Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Grey Gamers

I think it is best to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. My name is Burbie52 and I am the leader of a large group of people in PlayStation Home called the Grey Gamers. We are a older group of people with one thing in common, our love of video gaming in all its varied forms.The ages are between 28 and my oldest is 73. It has been pointed out to me that the average gamer is between the ages of 35 and 45.
It seems today like a lot of the kids we meet in Home and elsewhere are under the impression that video games were invented in the year 1990 or something, and so we as older people shouldn't be using them. I can't tell you the many times I have been asked why I am playing video games, and my answer is always the same," kiddo I have been playing them since they were invented, back in 1975 with the game Pong." I think that there are a lot of older gamers in the world on every platform there is, so I decided to start this blog and ask them to join me in expressing their views on this and many subjects that pertain to video games in general.
Consider this your voice to say what you will on the subject, but be cordial to each other, for ANY type of attacks will not be tolerated. That is the only rule I will strictly enforce here. We are all adults, let's act like it.
That being said feel free to say what you will about any subject that strikes your fancy and is about this wonderful thing we all love, video games.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am glad to be part of your group, just to correct you lol, the very first game was 'Computer Space' which was played mostly privately by a group of boffins way back in the late sixties. But it didnt become commercial until after Pong and then that little breakthrough game called 'Space Invaders' which was the hallmark of videogaming. These days kids will think of Mario when you ask them what a video game is, or hell even Call of Duty, it is true Burbie on what you say, i doubt that kids today can look further back than the games I have just mentioned. I grew up as an arcade gamer, I remember the golden age of the arcade very well, and I still get goosebumps thinking about that era too. The early to late 80's saw games quickly evolve. (And I DO mean evolve fast) from a simple stick man on a screen, to becoming something that is wearing a jacket and a hat, then features on it's face become recognisable, moving a little forward you could tell what sex it was, and then early experiments into the world of 3D, then Vectors (featured in Star Wars) then Photo realism, the birth of Virtual reality, right up to the point where we are now. It was a really exciting time to see all of this happen all around me. Kids today just see good graphics and surround sound and they sort of expect that in their games now, unlike us, that didn't grow up around pretty graphics and sound until much later (Oh, and faster loading times, I think as kids, we must of had the patience of a saint waiting for a casette game to load up on a humble C64..) To me it was all about the gameplay, so playing a game on home such as scribble shooter, i think i appreciated it more than most of the modern kids that played it because I came from an era, where gaming was just so simple and easy to pick up and play. Although we have new games out there, I am very much a target audience for retro gaming and i hope that this market can continue, because if a game is a classic, I could play it over and over if i wanted to. Yes i download emulators to play all my golden oldies on a sunday afternoon, because there are some days i want to bring out the kid in me again that enjoyed those games the first time around and I'm sure many others out there want to do the same. :)
