Thursday, September 29, 2011


I have created this blog for anyone and everyone to feel free to add to it. I want all of my friends and even those of you who don't know me to add your comments here about the older generation and gaming. I have been gaming all of my life as I am sure many of you have as well, and so you must have experiences to relate, or maybe just your love of a specific genre or game to talk about. That being said I will try to add to this blog myself on a regular basis. I hope you will join me in this new experiment of mine. I know you are out there! Use this as a tool to give us older gamers a voice in the industry. I have done my research and found very few blogs that relate to gaming and older people, so here is our chance to be heard.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gaming and Older People

I have written a few things about gaming and the older generation, but I think that something needs to be said regarding this that hasn't been touched on. That is the fact that though there are many people who are in their 50's and up who like games, very few games are geared toward them. By that I mean that as we age our reflexes get slower, and this means eye hand coordination as well, making it increasingly difficult for older people to be able to compete in any meaningful way against the younger crowd. Even single player games have many things in them that require quick decisions and reflexes, so when someone who is older tries to tackle them, they may become frustrated and quit playing the game altogether.
I also believe that playing video games is good for people as they age, because you do have to keep your reflexes going pretty well in order to succeed in them at all. But once you begin getting into your 60's and 70's, it becomes more difficult. Too bad they couldn't somehow have a mode built into games to accommodate those older gamers who, though young at heart, aren't able to do what they used to do. I think this would be a great way to assure that they would remain gamers for their entire lives. What do you think?